Tomorrow’s Promise

Tomorrow’s Promise

It was a blessing to come across AuthorPackages. They were a very good team for my first fiction book, “Tomorrow’s Promise”. Their creativity and understanding of the book was outstanding. Mark edited my book and designed my cover art. He had a deep understanding of what I wanted for the cover and delivered it to a very a high quality. He also did a great job in editing my book. For authors whose first language is not English, Mark is a great resource as he could make sense of the text even if there was some ambiguity, without jeopardizing the original context. He was like a mind reader. Lorna was very good at formatting my book. I was very impressed with her work and did not expect that the interior could look so amazing. She was very polite and understanding. When you work with her, it is like working with your own best friend or sisters. Once more, thank you very much Mark and Lorna.