I will be forever grateful

I will be forever grateful

I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to thank Mark and Lorna enough for what they did for ‘The Album’. I came to Mark with a concept for the cover, told him that he couldn’t possibly make it better and to just do exactly what I’d already come up with. To his credit, he did that, but he also gave me another option…one that was, roughly one thousand percent better than what I’d made myself. I fell in love with that, but said “well, you can’t possibly make covers for the sequels that fit with it” and he was like, “hold my beer”, as he promptly gave me a set of covers that could compete with any traditionally published books. Mark’s proof reading was also on point, he found an extra 2,000+ things to change in a manuscript that I had already had professionally edited.

When the time came for formatting, Lorna went above and beyond. Like the cover, the interior is everything that I never knew I wanted for my book. I would recommend Author Packages to anyone and everyone who believes in their story and knows that part of any success is to recognise where your strengths lie. My strengths are in writing books, luckily for me, Mark and Lorna have strengths in designing covers, proof reading and formatting. Where my book would have failed, they have only strengthened it. For that, I will be forever grateful and will be coming back to them when the comes to finish off the sequels!