Wouldn’t you like to know how to slow down time? We constantly check our watches and complain how time flies. We think that time is equal to the watches we wear on our arms. However, the actual time keeper is a particular center in our brains. This center, which keeps the biological time for the body, immediately informs all organs what time it is. The entire body has clocks. Yes, there is an inner clock in the brain, in the pancreas, in the liver, in the gut, in all the cells, and even in the DNA. Why do we need so many clocks? It is essential for the body to function by following a certain rhythm in order to coordinate billions of actions taking place. In any organ functioning outside this rhythm, there will be chaos instead of order. And chaos means disease. What prevents chaos is the inner biological clock of the body. The inner biological clock synchronizes us with the external time. The tuning of the inner clock should not be disrupted. If the inner clock is disrupted, we become ill. If the inner clock is disrupted, we age rapidly. If the inner clock is disrupted, we gain weight… Yes, what we are supposed to eat if we want to be healthy has been emphasized over and over again. But, the vital question is “when do we eat?” Both gaining weight and losing weight is a matter of “time.” “Circa” means about; “diem” means day. Circadian diet defines the lifestyle and eating habits according to the hours of the day. The price of disrupting the circadian rhythm is accelerated aging. The price of disrupting the circadian rhythm is disease. The price of disrupting the circadian rhythm is weight gain. Timing is everything. Timing is the new topic of medicine. Welcome to circadian medicine!
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